Dalhousie Association of Biology Students
All about
DABS Events!
On the left is a calendar featuring the various events that DABS is hosting throughout the school year in addition to our monthly meeting times. More info and details about these events can be found via our Instagram or Facebook Page. As always, if you have any questions about events, send us an email at dabs@dal.ca! Hope to see you there!
Seaside Info Session 2021
Sports Events​
Looking to show your athletic side with DABS!? Join our intramurals team!​
Intramural teams for Fall 2024 coming soon!
Academic Events​
DABS hosts various academic events each year including study nights, academic info sessions (to help with course selections), and of course, the beloved Seaside Info Session along with DAMS! DABS also has a Concept Room where students can come for academic support with their Biology courses.
Keep an eye out on our Instagram and Facebook for academic events coming up, and feel free to check out our Concept Room Page using the button below!
Social Events​
We love uniting students with a common interest in biology together and doing fun new activities where we can explore all that biology has to offer!
In the past, DABS has done birding events, picnics, movie nights, trivia nights, and the list goes on! Similar to our Academic Events, the best place to find out about upcoming Social events is by following us on our socials, Instagram and Facebook, or by checking out our events Calendar above!
Birding at Point Pleasant Park 2023